The Village Board is the primary board for the Village of Saugerties government.
New York Village Law §4-412 sets forth the authority of the Village Board. It says that the board:
- Shall manage "village property and finances"
- May take legal measures "for the good government of the village, its management and business, the protection of property, the safety, health, comfort, and general welfare of its inhabitants, the protection of their property , the preservation of peace and good order, the suppression of vice, the benefit of trade, and the preservation and protection of public works."
The Saugerties Village Board creates (and abolishes, as necessary) advisory boards, committees and commissions, to advise the Village Board on specific matters, such as compliance review and approval of site development plans within the Village, interpretation of zoning law, and matters relating to the Village's waterfront, tourism, parks and the joint Town and Village of Saugerties Comprehensive Plan.
Following is the full, current list of boards, committees and commissions for the Village of Saugerties, with links to where you can find further information about each one (for example, when they typically meet, memberships, etc.).