Number of Members: 7

Duties: In strict accordance with the Village's Zoning Law, the ZBA hears and decides any question brought before it involving the interpretation of zoning law; hears and decides appeals from any decisions or determinations of zoning enforcement officer (building inspector); and grants variances to provisions of zoning law.

Meetings: The Village Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 7 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  When an agenda for a given meeting is made available, it will be posted on the home page and on the calendar entry for the particular meeting date.


3 year terms (the end of each appointees' term is shown parenthetically below).  

  • Scott Campbell (chair - 2024)
  • Ed Quirk (2025)
  • Joe Gavner (2024)
  • Mary Frank (2025)

Alan Kessler (2025) is an alternate. 

Don Hackett is the Village Board liaison to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Eyal Saad is an advisor.

Minutes: The Village Zoning Board of Appeals meeting minutes can be found here.