Besides their obvious health benefits, the paths take advantage of Saugerties' scenic beauty and rich heritage. The routes include views of the Hudson River, Esopus Creek, serene marshlands, and outstanding views of the Catskill Mountains.
From this very page, you can download and print the 4 panels (PDF files) that make up the flyer, under "Documents" below.
Also in the "Documents" section is a map showing where bike racks are located.
And under "Images" below, you can see a sampling of the many scenes you'll encounter on a ride along the Saugerties Bike Routes. (The photo upper right, taken by Joy Moore, shows Gil Hales and Mike Harkavy, in the days of mapping this all out.)
- Bike Route Flyer (1 of 4) - Cover-page panel.
- Bike Route Flyer (2 of 4) - Bike Route A
- Bike Route Flyer (3 of 4) - Maps of Routes B and C.
- Bike Route Flyer (4 of 4) - Information about Routes B and C.
- Saugerties Bike Rack Locations - This is a 1-page map of where you can park and chain your bike while you tour around Saugerties. (We'll have to get out there ourselves one of these days, to see if these bike racks are still where we're saying they are. If you want to report on their status please feel free to use the "Contact Us - For Website Matters" page info/form. (Look for the form with the green header.)