
This is the "Contacts" page for the Village of Saugerties.
If you are interested in contacts for the Town of Saugerties, please click here.
The Village offices are located at 43 Partition Street. Hours are M-F, 8AM to 4PM (See calendar for holiday schedule.)
The mailing address is
43 Partition Street
Saugerties, NY 12477-1134
For a Google maps view of the location of the Village offices, please click here.
The main phone number for individuals in the Village offices is 845-246-2321. If you access it, you'll be told which extension will get you to which individual.
The sections below show the individual numbers and extensions (and email addresses in some cases) for:
- The Village office staff (Mayor, Village Clerk, Treasurer and others)
- The Village department heads
- Additional contacts pertinent to the Village government's operations
- Emergency numbers
Village Clerk (Peggy Melville) | 845-246-2321 x1 | pmelville@villageofsaugerties.org
- Point of contact person for Saugerties Villagers
- Registrar of Vital Statistics (birth and death records only)
- Village Records Management Officer - maintain custody of the Village Seal, records, books, local laws and more
- Posting of notices and minutes of public meetings
- Handling of Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests
- Confidential secretary to the Village of Saugerties Mayor
- Village Election Officer
- Secretary to the Village Planning Board
- Secretary to the Village Zoning Board of Appeals
- Secretary of the Building Department.
- Prepares minutes for the Village Board
- Signator of all Abstract
- Recorder of all Notice of Defects
- Oath-of-Office designee
- Filing of all Village business needs
- Handicapped Parking Permit Officer
- Liaison between Village Board and citizens
and more.
Mayor (Bill Murphy) | 845-246-2321 x1 | bmurphy@villageofsaugerties.org
Treasurer (Paula Kerbert) | 845-246-2321 x2 | pkerbert@villageofsaugerties.org
Water Department Clerk (Victoria Davide) | 845-246-2321 x3 | vdavide@villageofsaugerties.org
Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector, Safety Officer, Stormwater Mgmt. (Eyal Saad/Cecelia Karashay) | 845-246-2321 x4 | ESaad@villageofsaugerties.org
- Vincent Buono (vbuono@villageofsaugerties.org)
- Donald Hackett (dhackett@villageofsaugerites.org) - 845-532-3310
- Jeannine Mayer (jmayer@villageofsaugerties.org) - 845-853-9677
- Brian Martin (brianmartin5310@gmail.com) - 845-399-0065
- Terry Parisian (tparisian@villageofsaugerties.org) - 845-246-4704
- Andrew Zink (azink@villageofsaugerties.org) - 845-423-9047
Building and Safety, Code Enforcement (Eyal Saad) | 845-246-2321 x4 | ESaad@villageofsaugerties.org
Department of Public Works (DPW) (Rich Forbes) | 845-246-2921 | rforbes@villageofsaugerties.org
Fire Department Chief (Chris Mason) | sfdchief53@gmail.com
Parks, Buildings and Grounds (Kevin Brown) | 845-399-2321 | kbrown@villageofsaugerties.org
Wastewater Superintendent (Joe Myers) | 845-246-2331 | jmyers@villageofsaugerties.org
Water Department (Michael Hopf) | mhopf@villageofsaugerties.org
Village Court: 845-246-3958
Village Historian: Marjorie Block - harry39a@aol.com
Village Justice: Robert Rightmyer
Date of Organizational Meeting: 3rd Monday of April
Educational Expenses: Granted upon approval of Supervisor and Trustee
Mileage Allowance: 54 cents per mile
Official Banks: Bank of America, M&T, Key Bank, Bank of Greene County
Official Newspapers: Saugerties Times, Daily Freeman
Official Village Board Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month (typically moved to Tuesday if that Monday is a holiday)
Police: Emergency - 911
Saugerties Police at Town Hall: 845-246-9800 or 845-246-9909
Saugerties Police website: https://crimewatch.net/us/ny/ulster/saugerties-pd
Saugerties Police email contact: kswart@saugertiesny.gov
Acting Saugerties Police Chief is Lou Barbaria.
TV23: (Public Access TV for the Village and Town of Saugerties): Anastasia Redman (845-246-2800 x341 or lighthousetv@saugertiesny.gov)
Web site: Mike Campbell (845-430-0259 or mcampbell@hvc.rr.com)
Emergencies: 911
Saugerties Police (only for non-emergencies . . . call 911 for emergencies): 845-246-9800 or 845-246-9909
Fire Department (only for non-emergencies . . . call 911 for emergencies):
- Uptown Station, 43 Partition St., 845-246-9701
- C. A. Lynch Fire Co., Theodore Place, 845-246-2027
- Cedar Grove, Route 32, 845-246-4739
- Centerville, Route 212, 845-246-5223
- Glasco Fire Co., Plenty Street, 845-246-9600
- Malden West Camp, Malden Turnpike, 845-246-3287
- Mount Marion Fire Co., Kings Highway, 845-246-2290
- Saxton Fire District, Route 32, 845-246-1121
- West Camp Station, West Camp Road, 845-246-9008
Attorney for the Village:
Ben Neidl
28 Second Street, Troy, NY 12110
Office: 581-449-8893
Cell: 518-274-5820
COVID-19 Numbers:
- Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888
Monday – Saturday | 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - NY State Coronavirus Information Hotline: 888-364-3065
Diaz Ambulance: 845-246-9097
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text "Got5" to 741-741
For a full list of emergency numbers (fire, ambulance, poison, domestic violence, suicide),