What is the Village of Saugerties Revolving Loan Fund?

The Village of Saugerties Revolving Loan Fund provides financial assistance to businesses zoned commercial or industrial within the boundaries of the Village of Saugerties.
The fund will participate up to a maximum of $75,000. The interest rate ranges from 1% to 3.5 %. Maximum loan term is 10 years. Loans must be used for renovation or rehabilitation.
For more information and an application, contact the Village Clerk at 845-246-2321 extension 1 or stop in the Village Municipal Office at 43 Partition Street.
Number of Members: 5
Duties: To financially assist businesses zoned for commercial and industrial use, within the Village of Saugerties, by providing low interest rate loans to be used for the purpose of renovation or rehabilitation.
Schedule: This committee meets as needed.
- Jim Whitaker (Chair)
- Jeannine Mayer
- Richard Jackson
- Sue Anderson
- Jeanne Riesigel.
Mayor Bill Murphy is the Village of Saugerties liaison.