Type: Appointed

Description: The Code Enforcement Official reviews all applications submitted for regulatory applicability to the New York State Building Codes and the Local Law(s) for the jurisdictional area of the Village of Saugerties.  The Code Enforcement Officer issues Building Permits, Demolition Permits, Certificates of Occupancy/Compliance Certificates, and he monitors, inspects, and approves construction phases (footers, foundations, framing, plumbing, occupancy change/use, and so on).

The Code Enforcement Official is also responsible for periodic Fire, Safety and Code Inspections on multiple housing units and public assembly places.

Note that issuance of official addresses for new residences in the Village of Saugerties is governed by the Town of Saugerties Assessor's office, with Ulster County approval.


Forms and Applications:

You can find forms and applications relevant to building, construction, zoning and code enforcement (under the "Building (and Historic Review Board)" heading) on this page.