Address: 43 Partition Street
Saugerties , NY 12477
Phone: Emergencies: 911
Phone numbers for individual stations (not for emergencies):
- Uptown Station, 43 Partition St. - 845-246-9701
- C. A. Lynch Fire Company, Theodore Place - 845-246-2027
- Cedar Grove, Route 32 - 845-246-4739
- Centerville, Route 212 - 845-246-5223
- Glasco Fire Company, Plenty Street - 845-246-9600
- Malden West Camp, Malden Turnpike - 845-246-3287
- Mount Marion Fire Company, Kings Highway - 845-246-2290
- Saxton Fire District, 3853 Route 32 - 845-246-1121
- West Camp Station, West Camp Road - 845-246-9008
The Saugerties Volunteer Fire Department, as the name implies, is an entirely volunteer, unpaid firefighting organization. It has relied the courage and devotion of its members for the last 154 years, to protect the lives and properties of the residents of the Village of Saugerties. These volunteers have responded to calls, despite the rigors of weather and fatigue, any time day or night, and the dangers of fire fighting, including severe burns, toxic smoke, chemical hazards, building collapses, falls, and other injury that may result.
Additionally, the Saugerties Fire Department serves other residents through both our fire protection district and by the long established "Mutual-Aid" agreements with neighboring fire districts and departments, and on occasion even beyond the Town of Saugerties and the County of Ulster.
Saugerties Fire Department Organization
The current Chiefs of the Saugerties Fire Department are:
- Chris Mason (Village of Saugerties Fire Chief)
- Chris Wade (First Assistant Fire Chief)
- Cody Rocco (Second Assistant Fire Chief)
Saugerties Fire Department Secretary: Mike Karashay
Saugerties Fire Department Treasurer: Brian Mason
Captain: David Mason
Captain: Joe Carmody
Fire Commissioner: Brian Martin Sr.
The Saugerties Fire Department has four distinct roles in its primary mission. They are fire protection, fire suppression, fire training, and fire prevention. The department also maintains a good neighbor role through its community activities.
Fire Protection
The Saugerties Fire Department consists of four individual companies:
- The R. A. Snyder Hose Company No. 1
- The C. A. Lynch Hose Company No. 2
- The Washington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
- The Saugerties Exempt Firemen's Association and Fire Patrol with about 75 total active members.
Each company is commanded by a Captain or a Foreman. There are three Chiefs who have overall responsibility for the Department's operations, each representing one of the three line companies.
Each Company maintains its own apparatus and equipment which is provided by the Village, with a chief driver in charge. Every Firefighter is provided with protective gear which must be worn in fires, emergencies, and training.
The Fire Department is charged with mission of saving life and property. When its members arrive on the scenes, they perform the following functions The are listed in the order of importance:
- Search and Rescue of Victims
- Fire Extinguishing
- Salvage and Overhaul (Extension of fire)
- Securing the Scene
Fire Suppression
Throughout the year the Saugerties Fire Department has responded to various emergency situations. During the course of a typical year, the Saugerties Fire Department responds to over 150 calls. Calls include fire-related contacts, flooding and cellar pumps, carbon monoxide detector activation, public assistance, automobile accidents, automatic alarms, mutual aid calls, hazardous materials, medical assistance, Village Police assistance, and other calls (good intent, medical alert alarm activation and water rescue).
In a word, these teams are busy . . . busy helping the citizens of Saugerties in very significant ways.
Fire Training
The Saugerties Fire Department has an extensive firefighter training program. Training is conducted on several levels, including New York State, departmental, company level, as well as informal sessions at the Uptown and South Side fire stations.
All new members are required to attend a NY State course in the Firefighter 2000. This 20-week course is informative as well as challenging. Upon successful completion of this basic training course they receive a certificate for their efforts. Firefighters have the opportunity to attend other courses, which provide in-depth knowledge of more complex and dangerous firefighting operations, including at the State Fire Academy in Montour Falls. Other firefighters attend conventions around the state at their own expense and receive even more training which they bring back to the department. Each firefighter is required to attend an eight hour OSHA safety course annually, to protect themselves and the people they serve.
Some firefighters take advantage of Sunday mornings to come to the two fire stations for informal training, such as the location and use of tools aboard the apparatus.
Fire Prevention
The Saugerties Fire Department has the responsibility to the residents to provide education on the danger of fire and its prevention. It holds an annual Fire Prevention week each October including classes at all local schools, holding fire drills for children , giving out information, offering tours of the apparatus and using a lightweight fire hose (booster line).
The Fire Department conducts tours of the fire stations all year round for such groups as scout troops, school classes, and civic organizations. Fire prevention events are held annually.
Community Activity
As responsible Community Citizens, the Saugerties Fire Department (SFD) engages in several events that are for the enjoyment of everyone. The SFD coordinates the 4th of July parade, which we believe to be one of the best and largest in the Hudson Valley. On that day, prior to the parade, the SFD hosts other fire companies, and emergency service personnel at our annual inspection. The Firefighter of the Year is announced and honored guest are recognized and take part in the inspection. Line-up for the 4th of July Parade is 10 a.m. and step off is 11 a.m. For more information on the 4th of July events, please visit the Village's 4th of July page.
For many years the SFD has been sponsoring an annual Halloween Parade. The children march in their Halloween costumes through the village to the firehouse, after which, the costumes are judged, prize awarded, and refreshments provided.
The Saugerties Fire Department has participated in several firematic parades and competitions, and trophies we have won are proudly on display in the fire house.
During the Saugerties Holiday in the Village (first weekend in December), the Fire Department culminates the day's activities with a Firemen's Parade of Lights, which winds through the streets of Saugerties and finishes at Seamon Park, where the lighting of the trees and park decorations takes place.
Our C. A. Lynch Company has treated the children of Saugerties to candy and a visit from Santa Claus every Christmas day. Santa Claus dons his red suit as he and his helpers hand out boxes of candy as the fire truck visits every street in the Village.
Special Duty - Christmas Candy Run
2019 marked the 100th anniversary of the C. A. Lynch Company's Christmas Candy Run. Santa Claus hands out candy from a C. A. Lynch firetruck, throughout the Village, on Christmas Day.
Click on the icon below to see a larger, downloadable version of the artwork below (by Mark ("Marky Mark") Lackenbacher) commemorating this tradition that ran from 1919 to 2019, and continues to run today:
For a List of Past Chiefs of the Saugerties Fire Department, from 1856 to present, open the section immediately below.
Past Chiefs of the Saugerties Fire Department
- 1856 T. J. Barritt
- 1857 C. W. Baker
- 1858 A. J. Myer
- 1859 James Maines
- 1860 Joseph R. Boice
- 1861 Wm. R. Shultis
- 1862 Wm. Hanna
- 1863 H. D. Laflin
- 1864 Isaac Rosepaugh
- 1865 B. M. Freligh
- 1866 H. D. Laflin
- 1867 H. D. Laflin
- 1868 A. J. Myer
- 1869 Wm. C. Mitchell
- 1870 Alfred Teetsel
- 1871 Wm. C. Mitchell
- 1872 Louis Yerger
- 1873 Louis Yerger
- 1874 Louis Yerger
- 1875 Louis Yerger
- 1876 Jacob L. Williams
- 1877 Louis Yerger
- 1878 Patrick Maxwell
- 1879 A. J. Myer
- 1880 B. M. Freligh
- 1881 B. M. Freligh
- 1882 A. J. Myer
- 1883 A. J. Myer
- 1884 A. J. Myer
- 1885 B. M. Freligh
- 1886 B. M. Freligh
- 1887 B. M. Freligh
- 1888 B. M. Freligh
- 1889 Wm. Ziegler
- 1890 L. J. Butzel
- 1891 H. A. Ohley
- 1892 H. A. Ohley
- 1893 R. D. Suderley
- 1894 Ed. Lynk, Jr.
- 1895 E. J. Lewis
- 1896 Wm. V. Burhans
- 1897 W. V. McCormick
- 1898 Ernest Hassinger
- 1899 Martine Cantine
- 1900 Frank J. Dale
- 1901 James Teller
- 1902 Lewis H. Kleeeber
- 1903 Thomas J. Bradley
- 1903 John McCormick
- 1904 Ernest Myer
- 1905 William MacMullen
- 1906 Jonas Myer
- 1907 Robert B. Ballman
- 1908 Fred Granwohl
- 1909 James Reynolds
- 1910 John B. Adams
- 1911 John Weinands
- 1912 Frank V. Underhill
- 1913 Henry T. Keeney
- 1914 Henry Schneider
- 1915 John C. McCarthy
- 1916 Chester Lowe
- 1916 John F. Carnright
- 1917 Joseph Huber
- 1918 John F. Carnright
- 1919 Michael Fitzgerald
- 1920 Chandler DuBois
- 1921 George B. Ohley
- 1922 Josiah Perks
- 1923 John J. LaVelle
- 1924 Leo McEnroe
- 1925 Lyman Hallenbeck
- 1926 William Tracy, Sr.
- 1927 Milton Hill
- 1928 Frederick Van Voorhis
- 1929 Arthur Petschke, Jr.
- 1930 Edward King, Jr.
- 1931 Harry Desmond
- 1932 Frank Martin
- 1933 William McCormick
- 1934 Edward M. Flanagan
- 1935 Oscar Ehrler
- 1936 John King
- 1937 Joseph Sweeney
- 1938 George Tymeson
- 1939 Raymond J. Mooney
- 1940 Edmund U. Burhans
- 1941 Edward Van Wart
- 1942 Cornelius Lynch
- 1943 Peter Hackett
- 1944 Vernon Tymeson
- 1944 Lester Vandemark
- 1945 E. Leslie Fellows
- 1946 Roy Palmer
- 1947 Phillip Breithaupt
- 1948 George W. Gardner
- 1949 Albert P. Hrdlicka
- 1950 Merlin Synder
- 1951 Thomas P. Gilmore
- 1952 William Rightmyer
- 1953 Russell O'Dea
- 1954 William Meiswinkel
- 1955 Vernon Benjamin
- 1956 Edward Buckley
- 1957 Donald R. Sullivan
- 1958 John F. Carnright, Jr.
- 1959 Edward P. Sweeney
- 1960 John A. Hill
- 1961 Robert J. Desmond
- 1962 Henry F. Amend
- 1963 Earl J. Martin
- 1964 Walter I. Johnson
- 1965 LeRoy W. Snyder
- 1966 August L. Fellows
- 1967 Homer Van Voorhis
- 1968 George H. Warringer
- 1969 Carroll Kimble
- 1970 John J. Wood Sr.
- 1971 John G. Kolano
- 1972 Ernest R. Dunn
- 1973 Edmund B Whitaker
- 1974 Joseph L. Schaffer Sr.
- 1975 Edward Haines
- 1976 Donald R. McCaig
- 1977 Robert R. Wade, Sr.
- 1978 James Mergendahl, Jr.
- 1979 Peter P. Karashay
- 1980 Joseph L. Schaffer, Sr.
- 1981 William Mergendahl
- 1982 William Mergendahl
- 1983 Joseph Doyle
- 1984 Joseph Doyle
- 1985 Ray Brackett
- 1986 Ray Brackett
- 1987 William Mergendahl
- 1988 William Mergendahl
- 1989 Richard Jackson
- 1990 Richard Jackson
- 1991 William D. Warringer
- 1992 William D. Warringer
- 1993 Gary Anderson
- 1994 Gary Anderson
- 1995 Richard Jackson
- 1996 Richard Jackson
- 1997 Ed Quirk
- 1998 Ed Quirk
- 1999 Earl Martin Jr.
- 1999 Brian Martin
- 2000 Brian Martin
- 2001 Brian Martin
- 2002 Tom McCarthy
- 2003 Tom McCarthy
- 2004 Alfred Bell
- 2005 Brian Martin
- 2006 Brian Martin
- 2007 Brian Martin
- 2008 Joe Schaffer Jr.
- 2009 Joe Schaffer Jr.
- 2010 Anthony Bell
- 2011 Dave Mason
- 2012 Dave Mason
- 2013 Dave Mason
- 2014 Dave Mason
- 2015 Dave Mason
- 2016 Dave Mason
- 2017 Chris Wade
- 2018 Chris Wade
- 2019 Chris Wade
- 2020 Chris Wade
- 2021 Chris Wade
- 2022 Scott Campbell
- 2023 Scott Campbell
- 2024 Chris Mason
- 2025 Chris Mason

Firetrucks from the Washington, C. A. Lynch and R. A. Snyder fire companies. Photo comes from the Saugerties Fire Department Facebook page.

The Saugerties Fire Department holds various interesting talks and demonstrations involving children. Here, some junior firefighters are attentive as they learn about fire trucks.