July 4th Parade and Fireworks

Each 4th of July, Saugerties puts on a parade and a fireworks display - both on a grand scale.   The parade is organized and run by the Saugerties Fire Department, and is always a fun and highly popular Saugerties tradition.  And each year, generous donors always step up, so that young and old can take in an awesome fireworks display, at the end of what is always an exciting and tiring day.

The tradition is that the parade lines up at 10 a.m. and the parade steps off at 11 a.m. sharp. 

Traditionally, there is a Saugerties Stallions game scheduled at Cantine Field on July 4th as well.  Starting time is around 6:15 p.m.

And after the parade and before the game, many of the great Village and Town shops and restaurants are open and waiting to give you a 4th of July welcome.

The fireworks begin at 10 p.m. 

For more information on the parade (including a map of the route) and the fireworks, please read on.

Parade Route

A downloadable/printable PDF of the parade route is available below under "Documents".

What follows is information from 2024.  This will give you an idea of what generally takes place, and when.  This page will be updated in the months preceding the 4th of July events.

The 2024 Parade Marshall is bestowed in honor of the family of the late Roger H. C. Donlon, a Saugerties native son and the first American soldier to be awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism in the Vietnam War.   For more information on Roger, please click here.

The 2 Grand Marshalls of the 2023 parade were Joe Defino and Tom Hallion. 


The Saugerties 4th of July tradition includes fireworks at Cantine Field.  They are always a big hit.

The fireworks begin at 10 p.m.

The Saugerties Stallions have a tradition of playing a ballgame on the fourth of July.  To avoid any problematic delay in the fireworks, they have begun starting this game earlier than usual, so as to avoid any delay in the start of the fireworks.