Many people have discovered that post cards of various Saugerties scenes from the past provide a nice glimpse into what Saugerties looked like way back when. Here is a collection that we hope keeps on growing. The bulk of the post cards on this site were scanned from cards made available to us by the Village Historian, Marjorie Block. Thanks also to Jack Wilsey and Ernie Mortusans for their contributions as well.
If you have a post card that you want to share by adding it to this collection, please contact the Webmaster via email ( If you send him a high-res computer image (e.g. jpg or png file), he will add it right away to this page. If you have only a paper post card, you can mail it to him or arrange for it to be picked up, and he will scan it and return you both the post card and email you the scanned image.
Following are some links for additional Saugerties postcards, archived newspapers, and other Saugerties historical items:
- The Saugerties Past Facebook page.
- Archived newspapers that date back to 1800 (a Saugerties Public Library page)
These post cards are listed in alphabetical order according to their titles.

Bird's Eye View of Saugerties
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Bridge and Dam
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Bridge and Dam 2
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Bridge and Dam 3
postmarked 9/9/1913
from an anonymous donor

Cantine Estate
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Carn's Dam (West Saugerties)
postmarked 9/9/1912
anonymous donor

Catskill Mountains from Barclay Heights
postmarked 9/2/1908
anonymous donor

Children's Fountain
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Children's Fountain at Seamon Park
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Congregational Church
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Deer is Saugerties Woods
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Esopus Bathing Club Clubhouse
postmarked 1926
anonymous donor

Esopus Creek
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Esopus Creek (Upper)
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Esopus Creek (Upper) 2
postmarked 1910
anonymous donor

Exchange Hotel
from the collection of Marjorie Block

John Street
from the collection of Marjorie Block

John Street 2
postmarked May 30, 1910
touched up and donated by Ernie Mortuzans

John and Lafayette Streets
donated by Jack Wilsey

Kiersted House 1727
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Kiersted House 2
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Kiersted House 3
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Kiersted House 4
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Kiersted House 5
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Kiskatom Road Near Creekside House
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Main Street
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Main Street 2
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Main Street 3
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Main Street from Market Street
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Main Street Looking North
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Main Street Near Reformed Church
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Maxwell House
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Maxwell House 2
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Maxwell House Showing Partition Street
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Methodist Church
from the collection of Marjorie Block

New Motor Boat (Paul)
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Old Stone Bridge (West Saugerties)
anonymous donor

Opportunities Waisted (sp?)
postmarked 1912
anonymous donor

Partition Street
postmarked 10/6/2019
anonymous donor

The Rutgers Ives Hurry House
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Saugerties High School (now Cahill School)
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Saugerties Post Office
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Schoentag's Tavern
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Schoonmaker Homestead (Revolutionary War Era)
Schommaker on the card is a mistake/typo
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Schoonmaker Homestead 2
postmarked 8/1/1905
anonymous donor

Seamon Park - The Plateau
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Seamon Park Interior
from the collection of Marjorie Block

"Spirit of Rip van Winkle" - Drawing by Albert Hahn
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Tivoli-Saugerties Ferry
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Tivoli-Saugerties Ferry (Saugerties Landing)
date unknown
anonymous donor

Ulster Avenue
from the collection of Marjorie Block

Washington Avenue (Showing the Library)
from the collection of Marjorie Block

West Shore Railroad Station
from the collection of Marjorie Block

West Shore Railroad Station 2
from the collection of Marjorie Block
If you've gotten this far, you clearly like historical post cards. If so and if you have more time, here are 2 separate collections of Saugerties post cards to thumb/mouse/scroll through: