Saugerties American Legion #72 Queen of Hearts Raffle Rules
A "Queen of Hearts" single raffle ticket costs $2. Or you can buy 3 tickets for $5 or 7 tickets for $10. Tickets purchased during the week (Tuesday through Monday) are good for the Monday evening drawing. There is no limit on the number of tickets that may be purchased for a given week's drawing. Tickets are sold at the bar, at Saugerties American Legion Post #72 Hall (30 John Street).
- There can only be one name per ticket. Each ticket must include the following:
• Contact phone number
• Envelope # (envelopes contain individual cards from a 54-card deck (includes 2 jokers))
Each ticket must include the above information, otherwise, the ticket will be invalid and another ticket will be chosen.
- Drawings take place at the American Legion each Monday evening, typically at 7:00PM sharp. The amount of the Jackpot grows each week, and is displayed at the American Legion Hall bar, and on the Saugerties website's News page. When a ticket is pulled, the envelope # on the ticket will be opened to reveal a card.
- If the Queen of Hearts is revealed, the person who is named on the ticket wins the entirety of the current pot.
- All Queen of Hearts winners are responsible for any and all taxes. A 1099 will be issued.
- If the Queen of Hearts is not revealed, the person whose ticket was drawn wins a varying* consolation prize, and the cycle begins again. The envelope/card are eliminated, and there is one fewer envelope to choose from, for the next week’s drawing. New raffle tickets bought during the week after a given drawing apply to the drawing (with a newly announced, larger jackpot) that takes place the following Monday evening.
You do not need to be present at the drawing to win. The Legion will contact you using the phone number on your ticket.
The American Legion runs its raffles in accordance with the rules and regulations of the NY State Gaming Commission. Here is a PDF with those rules.
* The following image is a photo of the explanation on the wall of the American Legion bar room, covering the payout amounts for anyone whose ticket is drawn, but who does not draw the Queen of Hearts.
And the following is a photo of the Queen of Hearts case (taken January 16, 2025) that has both the cards that have been picked already (some of which have red, green or blue pieces of paper on them), and the manilla envelope numbers that remain to be picked, as of 1/16/2025 (one of which is the queen of hearts)! So if you head to 30 John Street, just ask the friendly bartender for help, and you can try your luck!