
The Saugerties Village Clerk is the first public official for Saugerties citizens to contact for all of the items listed below under "Responsibilities".


The Village Clerk is the:

  • Point of contact person for Saugerties Villagers
  • Registrar of Vital Statistics (birth and death records only)
  • Village Records Management Officer - maintain custody of the Village Seal, records, books, local laws and more
  • Confidential secretary to the Village of Saugerties Mayor
  • Village Election Officer
  • Secretary to the Village Planning Board
  • Secretary to the Village Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Secretary of the Building Department
  • Signator of all Abstracts
  • Recorder of all Notice of Defects
  • Oath-of-Office designee
  • Handicapped Parking Permit Officer for the Village.  (The Town Clerk provides parking permits for people who live in the Town, outside the Village, and who have disabilities.)  In both cases, a NY State form (which you can find by visiting the NY State "Parking for People with Disabilities" page) needs to be filled out and brought to the Village Clerk or Town Clerk.

 The Village Clerk is also responsible for the:

  • Posting of notices and minutes of public meetings
  • Handling of Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests
  • Prepares the minutes for the Village Board meetings
  • Filing of all Village business needs
  • Liaison between Village Board and citizens

and more.

As many people familiar with the Village operations say: "When in doubt, contact the Village Clerk".

Note that, in Saugerties, all Marriage licenses and dog licenses are handled by the Town Clerk's office, regardless of whether you live in the Village, or in the Town outside the Village.